

Bulk WHOIS Search

Effortlessly analyze multiple domains at once, streamlining your research process.

simple to use


Access detailed domain information for up to 100 domains through our powerful API in a single request.

large data

User-Friendly Web UI Tool

Navigate and utilize our intuitive web UI tool for a seamless and efficient experience powered by bulk WHOIS API.

well parsed

File Upload Support

Upload plain text or CSV file with up to 3 million domains, allowing for large-scale analysis. Our sophisticated crawlers ensure accuracy, delivering comprehensive results directly to your inbox.

Common Use Cases

Domain Portfolio Analysis

Bulk WHOIS Lookup can help you analyze your domain portfolio quickly and efficiently. By gathering domain intelligence for all your domains in one go, you can identify potential issues such as outdated contact information or expiring domains.

cyber security

Brand Protection

Bulk WHOIS Lookup can be used to protect your brand by identifying potentially infringing domains or unauthorized use of your brand name. This information can help you take appropriate action to protect your brand identity.

Competitive Intelligence

Bulk WHOIS Lookup can provide insights into your competitors' domains and online activities. By analyzing their domain portfolio, you can gain a better understanding of their online presence and marketing strategies.

Intellectual Property

Research and Due Diligence

If you're in the market to purchase a domain or a business, Bulk WHOIS Lookup can help you conduct due diligence on the domains and their owners. You can gather valuable information such as contact details, domain history, and expiration dates.


Bulk WHOIS Lookup can also be used for cyber-security purposes. By identifying domains that may be associated with malicious activities or cyberattacks, you can take steps to protect your online assets and prevent potential threats.



How can I request WHOIS information for thousands of domains?

You can request WHOIS information for thousands of domains using bulk whois domain lookup service with both an API and a user-friendly web interface for batch processing of upto 3 million domains. You can also use bulk whois domain lookup UI tool powered by bulk whois API. Here are the key features of the API and web interface:

Bulk WHOIS Lookup API:

  • Efficient Querying: Query up to 100 domains in a single request for speedy results.
  • Structured Data: Receive query results in popular XML and JSON formats, providing both parsed fields and raw texts.
  • Normalized Data: All WHOIS information is consistently parsed and normalized, making integration with your business processes seamless.

Bulk File Upload Web Interface:

  • Batch Processing: Support for a minimum of 101 domains up to a whopping 3 million domains in a single file upload.
  • Convenient Notifications: You'll be notified via email when the crawl is complete, with a download link for output files.
  • Data in CSV Format: Output files are delivered in compressed CSV format, containing all the essential WHOIS information.