Full DNS Database

Our DNS database has detailed information on domains, including A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SPF, SOA, and TXT records. This dataset is important for analyzing historical domain names. It also helps improve security and connect threat-related domains to find connections between different threats. Particularly useful for analyzing phishing, email spoofing, and DDoS attacks.

Active Domains DNS Database

The Active Domain Database includes DNS records for currently active domains. This information is incredibly valuable for marketing, lead generation, and various other marketing and research strategies. Use our Active Domain Database to see what domains are doing now. This can help you improve your marketing strategies and research results.

Record Type Based DNS Database

You can download the DNS database for specific record types, such as A records or AAAA records. This targeted data is particularly useful when your research or analytical needs are focused or specific. For example, if you are researching mail service providers, you can access our MX records database. Similarly, if you're investigating eCommerce stores or CDN service providers, you can utilize our CNAME records database.

Custom Solutions

For tailored solutions, we offer custom DNS databases to meet your specific needs. We can provide information on domains from specific mail service providers, authoritative name server providers. Additionally, we can provide information on domains from eCommerce stores like Shopify. Contact us about what you need, and we will provide the exact DNS data that meets your needs.

DNS Record Types Tracked

  1. A Record - Map a domain name to an IPv4 address to access content in a web browser.
  2. AAAA Record - Associates a domain name with an IPv6 address.
  3. CNAME Record - Associates a domain name with a standard name.
  4. TXT Record - Contains information about a domain in text format.
  5. SOA Record - Contains data for a given domain or DNS zone.
  6. SPF Record - Identify the mail servers and domains allowed to send email on behalf of your domain.
  7. NS Record - Points to the authoritative dns server for the given domain name.
  8. MX Record - Designate the mail server to receive emails, aiding in email address mailbox validation.


Comprehensive Database

Gain access to a vast repository of historical DNS records, meticulously categorized with precision search filters. Analyze different types of DNS databases to find important information and trends for your research or business purposes.

Download Options

Tailor your data retrieval process with ease by opting for compressed CSV downloads. Select from different database types to download and easily manage and analyze DNS records for your projects or analyses.

Billing Dashboard

Seamlessly manage your DNS Database Update Subscription through a user-friendly billing dashboard. Download files easily to stay updated with the latest data. This will ensure that your research or business operations have the most recent DNS information to support them.

Downloadable CSV File

Access database updates files in our billing dashboard to download daily CSV database updates from the past three months. Weekly and monthly updates are also available. Download a sample file of daily updates in zipped CSV format for quick and convenient access.

Common Use Cases

Cybersecurity You can use the Domain DNS Database to identify potential cybersecurity threats. Monitoring DNS records can help businesses detect links to phishing, malware, or cyber attacks. This allows you to take proactive steps to safeguard their networks and data.
Marketing Companies can use the DNS domains database for marketing purposes, such as identifying potential leads and customers. By searching for domains within a particular industry or geographic region, businesses can target their marketing efforts more effectively.
Threat Actor Monitoring Stay vigilant against threat actors and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) on the Internet. Enhance monitoring by tracking historical domain name system footprints, uncovering malicious connections, and exposing harmful infrastructures.
DNS Database Documentation

Calling API

For getting the API key, you need to get started with our developer account. When you sign up, then you can copy the API key from our billing dashboard.

Sample File:

  • Download sample of database updates whois files from here.

Key Points:

If no specific records are mentioned, the downloaded file will include all 8 DNS records (a, aaaa, mx, ns, cname, soa, spf, txt). Use the record-based API for specific DNS records.

For the record-based API:
  • Replace 'cname' with your required record (e.g., a, aaaa, txt, soa, spf, ns, or mx).
  • Replace 'daily' with your desired time period (e.g., weekly, monthly).
API | Record-Based GET

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).

200 OK
400 Please pass apiKey param value
400 fileType is not found.
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy database subscription.
401 Your database subscription plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
404 File is not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
200 400 401 404 413
CSV Format

Files Status API

The Whois Files Status API provides comprehensive details about the availability and update status of various Whois datasets. It includes several key datasets, such as:

  • Newly registered domains: Includes cleaned gTLDs, cleaned ccTLDs, gTLDs, DNS records, and ccTLDs.
  • Expired domains: Covers both cleaned and regular expired domains.
  • Dropped domains: Details on domains that have been removed or dropped.

In addition to these datasets, the API offers information on the update frequency of Whois and DNS data. Updates are available in three time intervals:

  • Daily: Regularly updated Whois and DNS data.
  • Weekly: Whois and DNS data refreshed on a weekly basis.
  • Monthly: Monthly updates are provided for Whois data, though DNS updates may not always be available.

This structure enables users to track the currency and availability of various domain datasets, ensuring access to the latest WHOIS and DNS information.

JSON Format