
Supported TLDs

Discover WHOIS records and DNS details of thousands of recently registered domains that cover more than TLDs. Visit our Supported TLDs page.


We provide our clients with daily access to recently purchased domain names. We monitor the internet and identify thousands of new domains that have been recently registered. We obtain newly registered gTLDs directly from the zone files issues by gTLD registries. This approach ensures that the majority of gTLDs in our dataset of newly registered domains are available within just one day of their initial registration. In the case of ccTLDs, where there is no official source for accessing zone-files, we employ a range of algorithms and crawlers to retrieve the recently registered domains as soon as possible.

3-Days Historical Data Access

We provide our subscribers historical data dating back three days when their subscription is activated. Regular subscribers can access two months back recently registered domains data. You can Contact us for additional newly registered historical domain data files access.

Consistent and Compressed Data

Our WHOIS data is meticulously parsed and normalized into a consistent CSV format. Key Whois information, including registration date, expiration date, creation date, registrant details, and registrar details, is readily accessible. Plus, for enhanced performance and reduced data transfer costs, our CSV files are gzip compressed, ensuring you get the data you need quickly and economically.

On the other hand, DNS data is parsed into a JSON file. Key DNS records, including aaaa, ns, mx, a, txt, spf, cname and soa records are accessible in that JSON file. Plus, for enhanced performance and reduced data transfer costs, our JSON files are gzip compressed, ensuring you get the data you need quickly and economically.

File Availability

Our dedicated crawlers tirelessly crawl the vast expanse of the internet, gathering information on expired and dropped domains and their accompanying WHOIS files. These files will be available to you at the following times:

  1. All ccTLD (Country Code Top-Level Domain) files are made available for download at 23:55 UTC, and they contain data from the current day.
  2. Similarly, all gTLD (Generic Top-Level Domain) files for a given day are made available for download at 13:30 UTC, and they also contain data from the current day.
  3. DNS (Domain Name System) files are available for download at 02:00 UTC; however, they contain data from the previous day, not the current day.

Multiple Access Options

Your data, your choice. We offer flexible ways to access newly registered domains data seamlessly:

  • API Access: Recently registered domains data can be accessed through API. Checkout our Newly Registered Domains API Documentation.
  • Billing Dashboard: Easily access and download newly registered domains whois data directly from billing dashboard.

Whether you prefer automated, API-driven access or prefer the user-friendly interface of the billing dashboard, we've got you covered for a hassle-free experience.

Supported Response Formats

Following Response Formats are Supported in case of Whois and Without whois APIs:

  • CSV Format: Newly Registered Domains Whois and only Newly Registered Domains can be accessed in CSV format.
  • JSON Format: Newly registered domains only can be accessed in JSON format, and the API provides filtration capabilities based on top-level domains (TLDs).

In case of DNS, we provide a file that is in following format:

  • JSON Format: A file is downloaded that is in JSON format.

Best Market Prices

We provide best market rates based on the data accuracy. Check out our Newly Registered Domainer Plans.

Cleaned Whois

The Newly Registered Domains Cleaned WHOIS dataset includes WHOIS entries featuring active Registrant email addresses capable of receiving information. We filter out WHOIS records associated with disposable domains and eliminates those utilizing proxy services to hide Registrant details. This filtration process enhances the reliability of the information presented, making it a valuable resource for fields like cybersecurity and marketing. With this accurate data, users can confidently make informed decisions.

Downloadable CSV File

Visit the domainer package files section in our billing dashboard to download a CSV file of newly registered gTLD and ccTLD domain names or DNS records from any date within the previous three months. You can also obtain a sample file containing newly registered domains in CSV format. Additionally, you can download cleaned WHOIS data, ensuring you receive accurate and up to date information about domain ownership and registration details. This feature helps you maintain a comprehensive database of newly registered domains, making it easier to monitor and manage your online presence effectively.

Newly Registered Domains Stats

General Newly Registered Domains Count

General Newly Registered Domains Count provides a comprehensive record of newly registered domains, encompassing both generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Updated daily to include today's count, this dataset offers valuable insights into the evolving domain registration landscape. Whether you're tracking market trends or conducting research, our dataset equips you with the latest information to make informed decisions in the domain industry.

Newly registered domains

Domain Registration, Newly Registered Domains, gTLDs, ccTLDs, Domain Trends, Domain Industry, Domain Data, Daily Updates, Domain Statistics
(Click here to download today's free 10k global List of Newly Registered Domains)
(Click here to download today's free 10k country-code List of Newly Registered Domains)
Date Newly Registered gTLDs Newly Registered ccTLDs Total

Cleaned Newly Registered Domains Count

Cleaned Newly Registered Domains Count offers an up-to-date overview of newly registered domains, including both generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Stay up-to-dated and make data-driven decisions in the domain industry with our regularly updated dataset.

Cleaned newly registered domains

Cleaned Newly Registered Domains Count, cleaned domain registration data, cleaned domain analytics, cleaned domain statistics, cleaned domain trends, cleaned domain industry insights, cleaned domain market analysis, cleaned gTLDs, cleaned ccTLDs
(Click here to download today's free 100 global List of Newly Registered Domains with Cleaned WHOIS)
(Click here to download today's free 100 country-code List of Newly Registered Domains with Cleaned WHOIS)
Date Cleaned Newly Registered gTLDs Cleaned Newly Registered ccTLDs Total

Specific Newly Registered Domains Count

Specific Newly Registered Domains Count provides an up-to-date overview of newly registered domains, including both generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Stay informed and make data-driven decisions in the domain industry with our regularly updated dataset, focusing on TLDs and ccTLDs.

Cleaned newly registered domains

Domain registration by TLD, TLD-specific domain registrations, Country-level domain registration statistics, Country TLD registration trends, Domain registration trends by country, TLD registration insights, Country-level domain analytics, TLD-specific domain market analysis, Newly registered domains by country, Country-specific domain registration patterns, TLD-specific domain registration growth trends, Domain registration statistics by country, Country TLD registration data analysis, TLD registration patterns by country, Domain registration trends by TLD
Date Country TLD

Common Use Cases

Domain Investment You can use the API to identify newly registered domain names that have the potential to become valuable assets. This can help you make informed decisions about which domains to purchase and invest in.
Brand Monitoring and Protection Companies can use the API to monitor newly registered domain names that contain your brand name or trademarks. This helps you identify potential cases of cybersquatting or brand infringement early on and take appropriate action.
SEO and link building SEO professionals can use the API to identify newly registered domains with high domain authority. This information can be used to acquire backlinks from these domains, improving your website's SEO performance.
Market Research and Analysis Enterprises can use the WhoisFreaks API to analyze trends in newly registered domain names. This information can be valuable for market research, helping you understand emerging industries and market segments.
Competitive analysis You can use the API to track the domain registration activities of your competitors. This can provide insights into their strategies and help you stay competitive in the market.
Marketplace Development If you run an online marketplace for domain names, you can use the API to provide up-to-date information on newly registered domain names to your users. This can help attract more buyers and sellers to your platform.
Research and Development Researchers and developers can use the API to analyze patterns in newly registered domain names. This information can be used to develop new technologies or services related to domain name registration and management.
Newly Registered Domains Documentation


You can make authorized requests to our API by passing API key as a query parameter. To get your API key, login to our billing dashboard and get your API key! If your API key has been compromised, you can change it by clicking on the reset button in the billing dashboard.

Sample Files:

  • Download sample of newly registered gTLDs whois file from here.
  • Download sample of newly registered ccTLDs whois file from here.
CSV Format
CSV Format

CSV Format

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
    whoisWhois is a required and a boolean value parameter. It will retrieve a CSV file containing complete whois information of gTLDs and ccTLDs.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).

200 OK
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy domainer package.
401 Your domainer package plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
401 Suspicious Activity.
404 File is not available of this date.
404 Resources are not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
200 400 401 404 413
CSV Format


You can make authorized requests to our API by passing API key as a query parameter. To get your API key, login to our billing dashboard and get your API key! If your API key has been compromised, you can change it by clicking on reset button in billing dashboard.

Sample Files:

  • Download sample of newly registered gTLDs cleaned whois file from here.
  • Download sample of newly registered ccTLDs cleaned whois file from here.
CSV Format
CSV Format

CSV Format

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).

200 OK
400 Provided date is too old.
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy domainer package.
401 Your domainer package plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
401 Suspicious Activity.
404 File is not available of this date.
404 Resources are not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
200 400 401 404 413
CSV Format


You can make authorized requests to our API by passing API key as a query parameter. To get your API key, login to our billing dashboard and get your API key! If your API key has been compromised, you can change it by clicking on the reset button in the billing dashboard.

Sample Files:

  • Download sample of newly registered gTLDs domains file from here.
  • Download sample of newly registered ccTLDs domains file from here.

Key Points:

  • You can use the /newly/gtld endpoint to retrieve either all newly registered gTLDs or specific gTLDs based on TLD filtration. To utilize this endpoint, it is mandatory that the data for newly registered gTLDs is prepared, which can be verified through our status API.
  • Similarly, you can use the /newly/cctld endpoint to obtain either all newly registered ccTLDs or specific ccTLDs based on TLD filtration. To use this endpoint, it is essential that the data for newly registered ccTLDs is prepared, and this can be confirmed through our status API.
  • If you need to perform combined filtration, such as filtering domains of com, us, uk, and net simultaneously, you can use the /newly endpoint. However, it is mandatory that both newly registered ccTLDs and gTLDs data are prepared to use this endpoint. You can verify the data preparation status through our status API.

Please note that if you pass any ccTLD in the tlds parameter while using the /newly/gtld endpoint, it will return empty data for that ccTLD, and vice versa.

CSV Format
CSV Format
JSON Format
JSON Format
JSON Format

CSV Format

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
    whoisWhois is a required and a boolean value parameter. It will retrieve a CSV file containing newly registered domains for gTLDs and ccTLDs.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).
    TLDs parameter is optional. All domains will be fetched if you don't specify any tld.

200 OK
400 Provided date is too old.
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy domainer package.
401 Your domainer package plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
401 Suspicious Activity.
404 File is not available of this date.
404 Resources are not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
200 400 401 404 413
CSV Format

JSON Format

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).
    TLDs parameter is optional. All domains will be fetched if you don't specify any tld.

200 OK
400 Provided date is too old.
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy domainer package.
401 Your domainer package plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
401 Suspicious Activity.
404 File is not available of this date.
404 Resources are not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
200 400 401 404 413
JSON Format


You can make authorized requests to our API by passing API key as a query parameter. To get your API key, login to our billing dashboard and get your API key! If your API key has been compromised, you can change it by clicking on the reset button in the billing dashboard.

Sample File:

  • Download sample of newly registered dns file from here.
JSON Format

JSON Format

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).

200 OK
400 Provided date is too old.
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy domainer package.
401 Your domainer package plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
401 Suspicious Activity.
404 File is not available of this date.
404 Resources are not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
200 400 401 404 413
JSON Format

Files Status API

The Whois Files Status API provides comprehensive details about the availability and update status of various Whois datasets. It includes several key datasets, such as:

  • Newly registered domains: Includes cleaned gTLDs, cleaned ccTLDs, gTLDs, DNS records, and ccTLDs.
  • Expired domains: Covers both cleaned and regular expired domains.
  • Dropped domains: Details on domains that have been removed or dropped.

In addition to these datasets, the API offers information on the update frequency of Whois and DNS data. Updates are available in three time intervals:

  • Daily: Regularly updated Whois and DNS data.
  • Weekly: Whois and DNS data refreshed on a weekly basis.
  • Monthly: Monthly updates are provided for Whois data, though DNS updates may not always be available.

This structure enables users to track the currency and availability of various domain datasets, ensuring access to the latest WHOIS and DNS information.

JSON Format


What Are Newly Registered Domains?

Newly registered domains are domain names that are just registered, are brand new or re-registered after being dropped/deleted. By our broad and upto-date database you can get the list of recently registered domains and their complete WHOIS information daily.

What is Newly Registered Domains cleaned whois?

The Newly Registered Domains Cleaned WHOIS dataset contains entries featuring active Registrant email addresses, while excluding entries associated with disposable domains and proxy services, thus guaranteeing the accuracy of the information provided.

Where can I find a list of recently registered domains?

You can find the list of recently registered domains by two ways:

  • API Access: Recently registered domains data can be accessed through API. Checkout our Newly Registered Domains API Documentation.
  • Billing Dashboard: Easily access and download newly registered domains whois data directly from billing dashboard.

How can I automatically get the WHOIS information from newly registered domain names?

You can get Whois information for newly registered domain names automatically through our recently registered domains whois API on a daily basis. Checkout recently registered domain Whois API to automate the process.

What is the purpose of a newly registered domain list besides facilitating spam?

The purpose of a newly registered domain list extends far beyond facilitating spam, and it serves various legitimate and valuable purposes. While it's true that spammers can exploit this information, the benefits are not limited to malicious activities. Here are some essential purposes:

  1. Threat Intelligence: Recently Registered domains are significant to security services providers, digital risk protection vendors and threat investigators who could discover new malicious domains used for phishing and malware hosting campaigns. The recently registered domains feed enables security services provider to enrich their cyber security solutions by adding newly released domains data as potential indicators of compromise (IoCs).
  2. Niche Research: Daily Registered Domains allow you to keep track of new domains as they are being registered. They also help you to reveal the existence of a new product or type of service before it is known to the general public.
  3. Brand Protection: Organizations monitor newly registered domains to safeguard their brand reputation. Identifying domains that mimic or infringe on their trademarks allows them to take proactive measures to prevent brand abuse.
  4. Domain Acquisition: Investors and entrepreneurs may be interested in identifying newly registered domains with potential resale or development value. It's an integral part of domain flipping and online business strategies.
  5. SEO and Marketing: SEO professionals and marketers can analyze these lists to identify new websites for potential partnerships, collaborations, or backlink opportunities.
  6. Research and Analysis: Researchers and analysts leverage these lists to study trends, emerging technologies, and market dynamics. It helps in understanding the ever-evolving digital landscape.
While these use cases highlight the importance of Whois data for various purposes, it's essential to balance the need for data access with privacy and data protection concerns. Regulations like GDPR have led to changes in how WHOIS data is accessed and used, emphasizing the importance of responsible and ethical data handling practices.

Is there any ways to get email addresses of newly registered domain names?

Yes, anyone can get complete domain details including email addresses for newly registered domain names through whois protocol. When someone registers a domain name, they provide their contact information to the registrar. This information is then stored in the registrar's WHOIS database. Key information typically found in a WHOIS database entry includes:

  1. Registrar: The organization responsible for registering the domain name on behalf of the owner.
  2. Registrant: The individual or organization that owns the domain name.
  3. Administrative Contact: The designated person for managing administrative matters related to the domain.
  4. Technical Contact: The person responsible for handling technical aspects of the domain, such as DNS settings and server configurations.
  5. Creation and Expiration Dates: The dates when the domain was registered and when it's set to expire.
  6. Name Servers: Information about the servers that handle the DNS records for the domain.
  7. Domain Status: Indicates whether the domain is currently active, suspended, or undergoing any other status changes.
  8. Updated Date: The most recent update to the domain's information.
However, it's crucial to be aware of certain limitations regarding access to personal details, such as email addresses, from domain registration data, especially after the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR has significantly altered how domain registration data is handled, with a strong emphasis on individual privacy and data protection. To address privacy and security concerns, some domain owners opt for privacy protection services offered by registrars. These services replace the owner's personal contact information with generic contact details, enhancing privacy and reducing the risk of unwanted solicitations and identity theft.

At what time do you generate your recently registered domains whois files?

The whois files for newly registered domains are updated for download at the following times:

  1. All ccTLD files are made available for download at 23:55 UTC, and they are of that particular day.
  2. Similarly, all gTLD files for a given day are made available for download at 13:30 UTC, and they all are of that particular day.
  3. DNS files are available for download at 02:00 UTC; however, they contain data from the previous day, not the current day.

We also notify you via email when each file is ready to download. Further, you can check file status through API.

Can I check programmatically any file type of generated domains whois file status?

Yes, you can check details of whois files through Domainer Files status API.

Is there any download limit to download files?

Yes, there is a limit to download whois files. but it can be extended. Download limit will be shown in billing dashboard with usage.