
Daily Email Alert

Each day, receive comprehensive reports on any changes in domain ownership details, including newly registered, updated, or dropped domains associated with your monitored registrants.

Include Search Terms

Enhance your monitoring precision by specifying search terms related to the registrant's name, company, email, or other details. Focus your efforts and receive alerts for domains matching your criteria with Registrant Monitor's customizable search terms.

View Historical Results

Access all your historical notification results from the moment you subscribed, empowering you with valuable data and trends whenever you need them.

Edit Monitors

Customize your monitors at any time to align with your specific needs or requirements.

Supported TLDs

Monitor registrants or domain owners across a diverse selection of top-level domains, including global and country code options. Visit our supported TLDs page for further details.

Downloadable JSON File

Seamlessly retrieve your registrant alert results in JSON format, enabling easy integration with your existing systems and workflows. Empower your team with actionable insights and streamlined processes, all at your fingertips.

Common Use Cases

Identify Ownership Patterns Spot patterns in domain ownership linked to specific locations or contact information. This allows you to uncover potential aliases or connections between different entities.
Detect Suspicious Activity Stay vigilant against suspicious registrants by monitoring their domain registrations and changes in ownership. This helps in identifying any unusual or unauthorized activity, ensuring the security of your online presence.
Monitor Market Trends Stay informed about market trends by monitoring domain acquisitions or modifications in your industry. This enables you to adapt your strategies accordingly and stay ahead of the competition.