Whois Lookup API

Whois API provides a well parsed and structured information of domain names including registration date, expiry date, registrar and owner information, as well as host name server. This can be used to make informed decisions about marketing outreach, phishing and scam investigation, brand protection, and to help build advanced search techniques.

Whois Lookup Tool

"status": true,
"domain_name": "currencyfreaks.com",
"query_time": "2021-04-30 10:09:29",
"whois_server": "whois.namecheap.com",
"domain_registered": "yes",
"create_date": "2019-02-25",
"update_date": "2022-01-26",
"expiry_date": "2023-02-25",
"domain_registrar": {
"iana_id": "1068",
"registrar_name": "NAMECHEAP INC",
"whois_server": "whois.namecheap.com",
"website_url": "http://www.namecheap.com",
"email_address": "abuse@namecheap.com",
"phone_number": "+1.6613102107"

"whois": "historical",
"total_records": "2",
"whois_domains_historical": [
    "domain_name": "currencyfreaks.com",
    "num": 1,
    "status": true
    "expiry_date": "2014-10-12",
    "create_date": "2009-10-12",
    "domain_registrar": {
    "registrar_name": "GODADDY.COM, LLC"
    "domain_name": "currencyfreaks.com",
    "status": true,
    "query_time": "2021-04-30 10:09:29",
    "whois_server": "whois.namecheap.com",
    "domain_registered": "yes",
    "create_date": "2019-02-25",
    "update_date": "2022-01-26",
    "expiry_date": "2023-02-25",
    "domain_registrar": {
    "iana_id": "1068",
    "registrar_name": "NAMECHEAP INC",
    "whois_server": "whois.namecheap.com",
    "website_url": "http://www.namecheap.com",
    "email_address": "abuse@namecheap.com",
    "phone_number": "+1.6613102107"

Whois History Lookup API

The Whois history API offers access to exclusive historical Whois data, including details like renewal dates, host name servers, registrant information, and registrar records. Our domain Whois database is continually expanding, with millions of distinct whois records being added daily. This API enables users to delve into historical Whois records for domain names presented in JSON or XML formats.

Historical Whois Lookup Tool

Reverse Whois Search API

Reverse whois lookup API allows you to search domain information by owner name, email address, domain keyword or company name backed by our terabytes of Whois data. It can be used for domain co-relation, brand monitoring, domain authority scoring, and B2B marketing.

Search Reverse Whois

"total_Pages": 1,
"total_Result": 14,
"current_Page": 1,
"whois_domains_historical": [
    "num": 1,
    "status": true,
    "domain_name": "currencyfreaks.com",
    "create_date": "2019-02-25",
    "update_date": "2022-01-26",
    "expiry_date": "2023-02-25",
    "domain_registrar": {
    "website_url": "http://www.namecheap.com",
    "whois_server": "whois.namecheap.com",
    "registrar_name": "NAMECHEAP INC",
    "iana_id": "1068"
    "num": 2,
    "status": true,
    "whois_server": "whois.verisign-grs.com",
    "domain_name": "currencyfreaks.com",
    "create_date": "2019-02-25",
    "update_date": "2022-01-26",
    "expiry_date": "2023-02-25",
    "domain_registrar": {
    "website_url": "http://www.namecheap.com",
    "whois_server": "whois.namecheap.com",
    "registrar_name": "NAMECHEAP INC",
    "iana_id": "1068"

Common Use Cases

real world

Data Enrichment

WhoisFreaks provides reliable and up-to-date details on all domains and websites on the internet. Using the information in your CRM, marketing campaigns, and audience profiles can help you create better customer experiences at an insightful level.


Domain Registration Issues

Venturing into the world of domain registration can be a confusing experience. Whoisfreaks can help with managing your domains in the whois registry by providing a live public whois api to verify, track and troubleshoot problems that can arise.

domain issues

Threat Intelligence

Our Reverse Whois service is the premier source for performing threat intelligence and attack surface analysis. Use our live and historical Whois API to differentiate scammers and legitimate domains, perform research, discover hidden data blobs, find customer information, and more. Combining network-wide domain counts with historical search capabilities means you will find out more about the internet inventory addresses than ever before.

admin network

Brand monitoring

Protect your Brand name and intellectual property by analysing domains similar to yours, typosquating domains and copyrights violation using our realtime Whois API. Brands are the most valuable assets for any business. Protect your Brand Name and Intellectual Property by analysing domains similar to yours, Typosquatting domains, and copyrights violation using our live and historical Whois API and Web Application.