Whois API provides well-parsed and structured information about domain names, including registration date, expiry date, registrar information, owner details, and host name server information. This comprehensive data is invaluable for making informed decisions in various areas such as marketing outreach, phishing and scam investigation, brand protection, and building advanced search techniques. By understanding the ownership and registration details, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies more effectively, enhance security measures against potential threats, protect their brand from infringements, and develop sophisticated search algorithms to track and analyze domain-related data.
The Whois history API offers access to exclusive historical Whois data, including details like renewal dates, host name servers, registrant information, and registrar records. Our domain Whois database is continually expanding, with millions of distinct whois records being added daily. This API enables users to delve into historical Whois records for domain names presented in JSON or XML formats.
Reverse whois lookup API allows you to search domain information by owner name, email address, domain keyword or company name backed by our terabytes of Whois data. It can be used for domain co-relation, brand monitoring, domain authority scoring, and B2B marketing.
The Bulk Whois Lookup API allows you to perform whois lookups for multiple domain names in a single query, supporting up to 100 domains at a time. This API can be used for both live and historical whois records. You can upload a file containing 3 million domain names with one domain per line on our billing dashboard. Once the lookup is complete, we will send you an email with a link to download the whois data in CSV format.
The IP Whois Lookup API provides detailed information about IP addresses, including registration data, contact details, routes, and network information. This API helps in identifying the ownership and allocation of IP addresses, which can be useful for network administration, cybersecurity, geolocation services, and fraud prevention. By accessing data on IP address registrations and associated entities, users can enhance their network security, optimize geolocation features, and investigate suspicious activities or anomalies in their systems.
The ASN Whois Lookup API delivers information on Autonomous System Numbers used in internet routing. This includes details about ASN ownership, network infrastructure, organization details, and the range of IP addresses associated with the ASN. It is valuable for network management, routing analysis, and understanding the structure of internet connectivity.
Fetch real-time whois domain data directly from whois servers using live domain whois lookup, IP whois lookup or ASN whois lookup based on domain name, IP or ASN, respectively providing immediate and accurate domain registration information.
Access historical domain whois records using historical whois lookup from our comprehensive database, offering valuable insights into past domain ownership and registration details.
Use whois reverse search lookup to retrieve comprehensive domain ownership details, offering insights into the registrant's information, registration dates, and more for thorough domain analysis.
Keyword-based lookup in reverse whois searches enables you to discover domains containing specific terms or phrases, helping you identify relevant domains quickly and accurately.
Email-based lookup in reverse whois search allows you to find all domains associated with a specific email address, providing a comprehensive view of an entity's domain portfolio.
Use registrant-based lookup in reverse whois search lookup to identify all domains registered by a particular individual or organization, enhancing your investigation and monitoring capabilities.
Perform a reverse whois search to find domain ownership details linked to a specific company, enabling you to discover all domains registered by that entity efficiently.
Access detailed domain information for up to 100 domains through our powerful API in a single request, or you can upload a file with up to 3 million domain names.
Our service ensures data is both consistent and compressed, providing accurate and efficient information retrieval while optimizing storage and bandwidth usage for faster access and reduced costs.
Our service supports data retrieval in both JSON and XML formats, providing flexibility and compatibility with various applications and systems for seamless data integration and processing.
Navigate and utilize our intuitive web UI tool for a efficient experience powered by bulk whois API. Sign in and visit our billing dashboard for a seamless experience.
Sign in now and upload a plain text or CSV file with up to 3 million domains for large-scale analysis in our billing dashboard's utility section. Our crawlers ensure accurate, comprehensive results delivered to your inbox.
{ "domainNames":[ "jfreaks.com", "whoisfreaks.com" ] }
You can request WHOIS information for thousands of domains using bulk whois domain lookup service with both an API and a user-friendly web interface for batch processing of upto 3 million domains. You can also use bulk whois domain lookup UI tool powered by bulk whois API. Here are the key features of the API and web interface:
Whois API contains a big and well parsed Whois record data that provides all of the Whois information data to a wide-variety of industries against any domain name, such as domain registration details, domain owner email address and many more in JSON/XML formats. Live whois Lookup API crawl whois data in real time. We do not cache live whois records. Historical and reverse whois APIs provide data from our whois database.
We are providing Historical Whois data from 1986.
Yes, each whois record will be unique. We only save unique whois record of the domains.
Bulk whois API can support upto 100 domains. Bulk whois search through our billing dashboard by uploading file with one domain per line can support minimmum of 100 domains and maximum of 3M domains.
We do not charge for failed domains. We only charge for found domains and charge for not found domains in case of live lookup.
The company parameter enables you to search for domain whois data based on a publicly available company name. Simply input the company name, and the API will return domains associated with that company using search based query. For example, if you enter "meta", the API will return all domains that are owned by companies with word "meta" in their names.
With the owner parameter, you can search for domain whois data based on the name of the domain owner that will be publicly available in records. Enter the owner's name, and the API will provide a list of domains linked to that owner using search based query. For example, if you enter "michael", the API will search that name in full name of the owner.
The "exact match" parameter is an optional feature in reverse WHOIS searches. When used with keywords, company names, or owner names, it ensures that the search results match the exact terms entered. This helps users find more precise and relevant information by filtering out results that don't perfectly align with the query.
Note: The "exact match" parameter can only be used with keywords, owner/registrant names, or company names. It is not applicable for email addresses, meaning you cannot use exact match to filter results based on email addresses.
Yes, you can search for whois information using an email address. The email parameter allows you to retrieve domains associated with a specific email address. Please note that this search is limited to publicly available email addresses. The search is precise, so make sure to input the complete and exact email.
To search for email addresses using regex in reverse WHOIS, use the 'email' parameter with regex patterns. The 'email' parameter supports:
Note: Regex matching is only available for email addresses. For keywords, owner/registrant names, or company names, use the optional parameter exact set to 'false', or omit it as it defaults to 'false'.
When using the keyword parameter in reverse whois API queries, the keyword should be a minimum of 3 letters and a maximum of 63 letters.
Yes, all searches conducted through the reverse whois api are case-insensitive. This ensures that your queries are not affected by the letter case of your input.
Currently, the reverse whois api supports using only one parameter per query. If you want to perform a more specific query, you can refine your query by using the appropriate parameter that best matches your criteria.
Certain keywords that involve extensive hundred of millions of data are restricted to maintain the quality of our services. If you require information related to these keywords, please contact us at our support. We will assist you in accessing the restricted data through a customized solution that may charge custom price depending on the data.
Yes, we offer pagination for the reverse whois API. Currently, we provide two modes for the reverse whois api: the default mode and the mini mode. In the default mode, we provide 50 records per page, allowing you to retrieve a comprehensive list of domain whois data. In the mini mode, we offer 100 records per page, which is ideal for users who prefer a more concise display of data. We provide only domain name, creation date, expiry date, update date , owner's name, company and email in mini mode.
Our Live Lookup API offers real-time access to various endpoints, including domain whois, SSL and DNS data. By directly connecting to authoritative sources, this API ensures that you receive the most current and up-to-date information, eliminating data latency.
Our Historical API offers a blend of up-to-date information and comprehensive unique historical data. We will provide all previous unique records related to that domain along with the latest data. Please note that we update our database on monthly basis, so the maximum data latency in our historical api data can be 1 month.
An IP WHOIS lookup is a query to retrieve information about an IP address, including the organization that registered it, contact information, and allocation details. The Live IP-Whois API provides responses in JSON/XML formats.
It typically provides details like the registrant's name, organization, contact information, IP range, network name, and allocation status and also the details about the organization responsible for the given IP address.
WHOIS data relies on registrants providing accurate information. While registries strive for accuracy, there can be outdated or incomplete records.
Yes, you can look up the WHOIS information for any public IP address. Private IP addresses (e.g., 192.168.x.x) won't have WHOIS data as they are not globally unique.
ASN WHOIS Lookup is a process to obtain information about an Autonomous System Number (ASN), which includes details about the organization that holds the ASN, routing policies, and more.
It reveals the ASN's registration details, the organization managing it, routing policies, status, and contact information for administrative and technical issues.
It's important for understanding the management of internet routing, identifying the operators of large networks, and for network troubleshooting or research purposes.
This depends on the policies of the regional internet registry maintaining the data. It's generally updated whenever there are significant changes to the ASN or its associated organization.
We will provide 500 API credits to new users and yes, those credits have a rate-limiting of 10 requests per minute for Live APIs, 5 requests per minute for Bulk Domain Lookup, and 1 request per minute for Reverse/Historical Endpoints.
You can check the current supported TLDs list.
Yes, we will inform you via an email. We send notification email on 80%,90%,100% usage. You can get credits/ subscription usage information from our billing portal or through API.
We provide surcharge requests on all active API credits subscriptions. You can fetch credits and surcharge requests information through our API. Each subscription plan has different surcharge requests limit.
No, We do not charge credits on 4xx status codes in response. All Whois APIs follow same rule for 4xx status codes in response.
Yes, we have rate limiting on requests being made on all of our paid plans. The requests limit is shown in the following table.
The Table is divided into three types of plans:
Credits | Live-rpm | Bulk-rpm | Historical/Reverse-rpm |
5000 | 20 | 8 | 3 |
15000 | 35 | 12 | 5 |
50000 | 80 | 20 | 10 |
150000 | 120 | 25 | 15 |
450000 | 150 | 35 | 20 |
1000000 | 200 | 50 | 25 |
3000000 | 300 | 70 | 35 |
Credits | Live-rpm | Bulk-rpm | Historical/Reverse-rpm |
5000 | 20 | 8 | 3 |
15000 | 35 | 12 | 5 |
50000 | 80 | 20 | 10 |
150000 | 120 | 25 | 15 |
450000 | 150 | 35 | 20 |
1000000 | 200 | 50 | 25 |
3000000 | 300 | 70 | 35 |
In case, the request per minute exceeds, it'll throw an error with HTTP error code of 429.
Yes, there are following three header parameters in the response: