Active Domains WHOIS Database

Get access to up-to-date information on active domains with our Active Domains Whois Database. This database provides comprehensive information on domain names that are currently registered and in use, including registrant details, registration and expiration dates, and more. Whether you're a domain investor, marketer, or researcher, our Active Domains Whois Database offers valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

Country-wise WHOIS Database

Get a deeper understanding of the domain landscape in specific countries with our Country-wise Whois database. Our database includes detailed information on domains registered in countries around the world, allowing you to make informed decisions about your online presence. Whether you're a marketer, researcher, or business owner, our country-wise database provides the insights you need to succeed. Choose from our selection of countries and get the most up-to-date information available.

TLDs-wise WHOIS Database

Get detailed insights into domain names with our TLDs-wise Whois database. Our database offers a comprehensive collection of domain names organised by TLDs, allowing you to easily access the information you need. Whether you're a marketer, domain investor, or IT professional, our TLDs-wise Whois database provides the data you need to make informed decisions.

Registrar-wise WHOIS Database

Get in-depth insights into the domain registrations managed by specific registrars with our Registrar-wise Whois database. Our comprehensive database offers detailed information about domain ownership, contact details, and registration dates for each registrar. Choose from a range of registrars and access the data you need to make informed decisions.

Domain WHOIS Database updates

Stay informed and ahead of the competition with our comprehensive Whois database updates. Our database is regularly updated with the latest domain data to provide you with accurate and reliable information. Choose from daily, weekly, or monthly updates to receive the most up-to-date information available. Make informed decisions about domains and unlock their full potential with WhoisFreaks.

IP WHOIS Database

Embark on a journey through the expansive realm of IP addresses with our robust IP WHOIS database. Within its depths, you'll discover a wealth of historical WHOIS data meticulously compiled for both IPv4 and IPv6. Downloadable in a user-friendly CSV file format, our dataset provides invaluable insights into ownership details, registration information, and the nuanced historical changes associated with each IP address. Whether you're engaged in in-depth research, investigating network activities, or fortifying cybersecurity measures, our IP WHOIS database offers the tools to navigate the intricacies of the internet's addressing system.

ASN WHOIS Database

Dive into the world of network intelligence with our ASN WHOIS database, featuring historical data for Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). Accessible in CSV format, this meticulously curated dataset unveils crucial insights into ASN ownership, registration specifics, and historical transformations. Ideal for network management, cybersecurity enhancement, and troubleshooting connectivity, our ASN WHOIS database is your go-to resource for navigating the intricacies of Autonomous Systems.

Common Use Cases

Domain research

WHOIS domains database can be used for researching domain ownership, including the registrant's name, organization, and contact details. This information can be helpful in understanding who owns a particular domain name and identifying potential buyers or sellers.



WHOIS domains database can also be used for marketing purposes, such as identifying potential leads and customers. By searching for domains within a particular industry or geographic region, businesses can target their marketing efforts more effectively.

Brand protection

Domain WHOIS Database can be used for monitoring trademark and brand infringements. By monitoring domain registrations that include your brand name or variations of it, you can identify potential infringers and take action to protect your brand.


Domain portfolio management

WHOIS domains database can be used to manage a portfolio of domain names. By tracking domain registrations and expiration dates, businesses can ensure that they renew their domains on time and avoid losing them to competitors.


Domain WHOIS Database can be used to identify potential cybersecurity threats. By monitoring domain registrations that may be related to phishing, malware, or other cyber attacks, businesses can take proactive measures to protect their networks and data.
