Active Domains WHOIS Database

Our Active Domains Whois Database offers a wealth of information on currently registered and active domain names, providing valuable insights for domain investors, marketers, and researchers alike. With detailed registrant information, including contact details and registration dates, along with expiration dates and domain status, our database enables you to stay updated on the latest domain trends and ownership changes. Whether you're looking to identify potential investment opportunities, track competitor domains, or conduct market research, our Active Domains Whois Database is a valuable resource. Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions with our comprehensive and up-to-date domain information.

Country-wise WHOIS Database

Get a deeper understanding of the domain landscape in specific countries with our Country-wise Whois database. Our database includes detailed information on domains registered in countries around the world, allowing you to make informed decisions about your online presence. Whether you're a marketer, researcher, or business owner, our country-wise database provides the insights you need to succeed. Choose from our selection of countries and get the most up-to-date information available.

TLDs-wise WHOIS Database

Get detailed insights into domain names with our TLDs-wise Whois database. Our database offers a comprehensive collection of domain names organised by TLDs, allowing you to easily access the information you need. Whether you're a marketer, domain investor, or IT professional, our TLDs-wise Whois database provides the data you need to make informed decisions.

Registrar-wise WHOIS Database

Gain valuable insights into domain registrations managed by specific registrars with our Registrar-wise Whois database. Our comprehensive database provides detailed information about domain ownership, contact details, and registration dates for each registrar. Whether you're analyzing registrar performance, monitoring competitor activity, or conducting research, our database offers the data you need to make informed decisions. Choose from a range of registrars and access in-depth insights to enhance your domain management strategies. Stay ahead of the competition and maximize your domain investments with our Registrar-wise Whois database.

Domain WHOIS Database updates

Stay ahead of the curve with WhoisFreaks' cutting-edge Whois database updates. Our continuously updated database provides the latest domain data, ensuring you have the most accurate and reliable information to make informed decisions. Choose from flexible update options - whether you prefer daily, weekly, or monthly updates, WhoisFreaks has you covered. Our updates include a wide range of domain details, such as ownership, contact information, registration dates, and more. Whether you're a domain investor seeking valuable leads, a marketer tracking competitor activity, or a researcher analyzing domain trends, WhoisFreaks' database updates are tailored to meet your specific needs. Stay one step ahead of the competition and unlock the full potential of your domain strategies with WhoisFreaks. Experience the power of up-to-date domain information with WhoisFreaks today. Join WhoisFreaks now and revolutionize the way you manage domain data!

IP WHOIS Database

Embark on a journey through the expansive realm of IP addresses with our robust IP WHOIS database. Within its depths, you'll discover a wealth of historical WHOIS data meticulously compiled for both IPv4 and IPv6. Downloadable in a user-friendly CSV file format, our dataset provides invaluable insights into ownership details, registration information, and the nuanced historical changes associated with each IP address. Whether you're engaged in in-depth research, investigating network activities, or fortifying cybersecurity measures, our IP WHOIS database offers the tools to navigate the intricacies of the internet's addressing system.

ASN WHOIS Database

Dive into the world of network intelligence with our ASN WHOIS database, featuring historical data for Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). Accessible in CSV format, this meticulously curated dataset unveils crucial insights into ASN ownership, registration specifics, and historical transformations. Ideal for network management, cybersecurity enhancement, and troubleshooting connectivity, our ASN WHOIS database is your go-to resource for navigating the intricacies of Autonomous Systems.


Comprehensive Database

Gain access to a vast repository of historical WHOIS records, meticulously categorized with precision search filters. Explore country-specific, TLD-specific, and registrar-specific data to extract valuable insights and trends for your research or business needs.

Download Options

Tailor your data retrieval process with ease by opting for compressed CSV downloads. Choose from country-wise, TLD-wise, or registrar-wise databases to ensure flexibility and efficiency in managing and analyzing WHOIS records for your projects or analyses.

Billing Dashboard

Seamlessly manage your WHOIS Database Update Subscription through a user-friendly billing dashboard. Download files conveniently to stay updated with the latest data, ensuring that your research or business operations are always backed by the most recent WHOIS information available.

Downloadable CSV File

Visit database updates files in our billing dashboard to download daily CSV database updates from the past three months. Weekly and monthly updates are also available. Download a sample file of daily updates in zipped CSV format for quick and convenient access.

Common Use Cases

Domain portfolio management Whois domains database can be used to manage a portfolio of domain names. By tracking domain registrations and expiration dates, businesses can ensure that they renew their domains on time and avoid losing them to competitors.
Cybersecurity Domain WHOIS Database can be used to identify potential cybersecurity threats. By monitoring domain registrations that may be related to phishing, malware, or other cyber attacks, businesses can take proactive measures to protect their networks and data.
Domain research Whois domains database can be used for researching domain ownership, including the registrant's name, organization, and contact details. This information can be helpful in understanding who owns a particular domain name and identifying potential buyers or sellers.
Marketing Whois domains database can also be used for marketing purposes, such as identifying potential leads and customers. By searching for domains within a particular industry or geographic region, businesses can target their marketing efforts more effectively.
Brand protection Domain Whois Database can be used for monitoring trademark and brand infringements. By monitoring domain registrations that include your brand name or variations of it, you can identify potential infringers and take action to protect your brand.
Domain portfolio management Whois domains database can be used to manage a portfolio of domain names. By tracking domain registrations and expiration dates, businesses can ensure that they renew their domains on time and avoid losing them to competitors.
Cybersecurity Domain WHOIS Database can be used to identify potential cybersecurity threats. By monitoring domain registrations that may be related to phishing, malware, or other cyber attacks, businesses can take proactive measures to protect their networks and data.
Domain research Whois domains database can be used for researching domain ownership, including the registrant's name, organization, and contact details. This information can be helpful in understanding who owns a particular domain name and identifying potential buyers or sellers.
Marketing Whois domains database can also be used for marketing purposes, such as identifying potential leads and customers. By searching for domains within a particular industry or geographic region, businesses can target their marketing efforts more effectively.

What is a WHOIS database download?

WHOIS database downloads, often referred to as 'WHOIS data downloads,' are comprehensive collections of WHOIS records. These records provide detailed information about domain registrations, including the registration and expiration dates, registrant contact details, physical addresses, and technical server information. The data in these repositories can be useful for various purposes, such as domain monitoring, research, cybersecurity analysis, and compliance checks.

Whois Database Documentation

Calling API

For getting the API key, you need to get started with our developer account. When you sign up, then you can copy the API key from our billing dashboard.

Sample File:

  • Download sample of database updates whois files from here.

Query Parameters

  • Required
    apiKeyGet your API key from our billing dashboard.
  • Optional
    dateDate parameter is optional. The most recent data will be fetched if the link doesn't have a date specified. If you choose to provide a date, use the format (yyyy-MM-dd).

200 OK
400 Please pass apiKey param value
400 fileType is not found.
401 Api record not found.
401 Provided API key is inactive.
401 Please buy database subscription.
401 Your database subscription plan is inactive.
401 You cannot download file.
401 You have exceeded the download limit of 20000.
401 Suspicious Activity.
404 File is not available of this date.
413 Please upgrade your plans.

Shell Node.js Java Python PHP Ruby JS C# Go C Swift
curl --location --request GET ''
200 400 401 404 413
CSV Format
num,domain_name,query_time,create_date,update_date,expiry_date,domain_registrar_id,domain_registrar_name,domain_registrar_whois,domain_registrar_url,registrant_name,registrant_company,registrant_address,registrant_city,registrant_state,registrant_zip,registrant_country_code,registrant_country,registrant_email,registrant_phone,registrant_fax,administrative_name,administrative_company,administrative_address,administrative_city,administrative_state,administrative_zip,administrative_country_code,administrative_country,administrative_email,administrative_phone,administrative_fax,technical_name,technical_company,technical_address,technical_city,technical_state,technical_zip,technical_country_code,technical_country,technical_email,technical_phone,technical_fax,billing_name,billing_company,billing_address,billing_city,billing_state,billing_zip,billing_country_code,billing_country,billing_email,billing_phone,billing_fax,name_server_1,name_server_2,name_server_3,name_server_4,domain_status_1,domain_status_2,domain_status_3,domain_status_4,reseller_name,reseller_email,reseller_phone1,"","2023-07-01 23:17:25","2023-06-28","2023-06-28","2024-06-28","","Namesco Limited [Tag = NAMESCO]","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""2,"","2023-07-01 23:17:26","2023-06-30","2023-06-30","2024-06-30","","","","1 Api GmbH","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","ok","","","","","",""3,"xn----8sbfkbqad3csacdmece1v.xn--p1ai","2023-07-01 23:17:26","2023-06-30","","2024-06-30","","BEGET-RF","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""4,"","2023-07-01 23:17:26","2023-06-28","2023-06-28","2024-06-28","","Ionos SE [Tag = 1AND1]","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
Request is processed successfully.

Files Status API

The Whois Files Status API provides comprehensive details about the availability and update status of various Whois datasets. It includes several key datasets, such as:

  • Newly registered domains: Includes cleaned gTLDs, cleaned ccTLDs, gTLDs, DNS records, and ccTLDs.
  • Expired domains: Covers both cleaned and regular expired domains.
  • Dropped domains: Details on domains that have been removed or dropped.

In addition to these datasets, the API offers information on the update frequency of Whois and DNS data. Updates are available in three time intervals:

  • Daily: Regularly updated Whois and DNS data.
  • Weekly: Whois and DNS data refreshed on a weekly basis.
  • Monthly: Monthly updates are provided for Whois data, though DNS updates may not always be available.

This structure enables users to track the currency and availability of various domain datasets, ensuring access to the latest WHOIS and DNS information.

JSON Format


What is a WHOIS database?

The WHOIS database is a public directory that contains information about domain registrations, including the registrant's name, contact details, registration dates, and domain status.

What features are included in WhoisFreaks' WHOIS database subscription plans?

WhoisFreaks' plans include access to real-time WHOIS data, bulk WHOIS lookups, historical domain data, and API integration options. Specific features vary by the plan selected.

Are there any free trial options available for WhoisFreaks services?

Yes, WhoisFreaks typically offers a free trial or demo access for new users to explore their WHOIS database and API functionalities before committing to a paid plan.

How frequently is the WHOIS data updated in the WhoisFreaks database?

The WhoisFreaks database updates its data in real-time or at frequent intervals to ensure users receive accurate and up-to-date information.

Can I perform bulk WHOIS lookups with my subscription?

Yes, WhoisFreaks offers bulk WHOIS lookup capabilities with their subscription plans, allowing users to retrieve data for multiple domains simultaneously.

What is the difference between historical WHOIS data and current WHOIS data?

Current WHOIS data shows the most recent domain registration details, while historical WHOIS data provides insights into previous domain ownership, registration changes, and historical activity.

How secure is my data when I use WhoisFreaks services?

WhoisFreaks employs robust encryption protocols and industry-standard security measures to ensure that your data and searches remain private and secure.

Is API access included in all WhoisFreaks pricing plans?

API access is included in certain pricing plans, but the level of API requests and features may vary based on the subscription tier. Check the pricing page for specific details.

Can I customize my WhoisFreaks plan to meet my business needs?

Yes, WhoisFreaks provides flexible pricing options and custom solutions for businesses with specific requirements, such as higher data limits or additional API functionalities.

What payment methods does WhoisFreaks accept?

WhoisFreaks accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and other online payment systems, ensuring a hassle-free checkout process.

Does WhoisFreaks offer refunds for its services?

Refund policies vary by the subscription plan. It's recommended to review WhoisFreaks' refund and cancellation terms on their website or contact customer support for clarification.

Is WhoisFreaks suitable for enterprise-level businesses?

Yes, WhoisFreaks offers enterprise-grade solutions with advanced features such as unlimited API requests, enhanced data access, and tailored pricing plans for large-scale operations.

What industries commonly use WHOIS database services?

Industries such as cybersecurity, domain registration, intellectual property protection, marketing, and law enforcement frequently use WHOIS database services for various purposes.

Can I export WHOIS data from the WhoisFreaks database?

Yes, most WhoisFreaks plans allow users to export WHOIS data in multiple formats for offline analysis and reporting.

How do I contact WhoisFreaks customer support for assistance?

You can reach WhoisFreaks customer support via their website's contact form, email support, or live chat for any inquiries or technical issues.

From which time period does the Whois Database have records?

The Whois database has been accumulating data since 1986, providing a vast repository of domain information that continues to expand with each passing day.

When can I expect updates for the Whois database if I have a daily, weekly, or monthly subscription?

  • Daily Database update Subscription file is updated daily at 2:15 AM UTC.
  • Weekly Database update Subscription file is updated every Monday at 1:00 AM UTC.
  • Monthly Database update Subscription file is updated on the 1st of every month t 2:00 AM UTC You can check.