Whois lookup data for tank69.com

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How to find out who owns a domain?

WHOIS lookup can be a valuable tool for finding a domain name owner. WHOIS is a protocol and system designed to provide essential information about online resources, including domain names. When individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments register domains, they often share their contact details, such as names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers, in the vast realm of WHOIS data.

Key information typically found in a WHOIS database entry includes:

  • Registrar: The organization responsible for registering the domain name on behalf of the owner.
  • Registrant: The individual or organization that owns the domain name.
  • Administrative Contact: The designated person for managing administrative matters related to the domain.
  • Technical Contact: The person responsible for handling technical aspects of the domain, such as DNS settings and server configurations.
  • Creation and Expiration Dates: The dates when the domain was registered and when it's set to expire.
  • Name Servers: Information about the servers that handle the DNS records for the domain.
  • Domain Status: Indicates whether the domain is currently active, suspended, or undergoing any other status changes.
  • Updated Date: The most recent update to the domain's information.

However, it's crucial to be aware of certain limitations regarding access to personal details from domain registration data, especially after the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR has significantly altered how domain registration data is handled, with a strong emphasis on individual privacy and data protection.

To address privacy and security concerns, some domain owners opt for privacy protection services offered by registrars. These services replace the owner's personal contact information with generic contact details, enhancing privacy and reducing the risk of unwanted solicitations and identity theft.

How to find out who owns a domain?

The Whois Domain Lookup tool by WhoisFreaks allows you to retrieve detailed information about a domain, including the registrant's name (if public), contact details, registration dates, expiration dates, domain registrar, and domain status.

How does the Whois Domain Lookup tool work?

You simply enter the domain name you want to investigate in the search bar and hit "Search." The tool will query the WHOIS database and provide comprehensive domain registration details.

Is the Whois Domain Lookup tool free to use?

Yes, the tool is free for basic lookups. For more advanced features, such as bulk lookups, historical data, or unlimited searches, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan.

What information can I get from the Whois Domain Lookup tool?

The tool provides details like domain ownership, registrar information, registration and expiration dates, name servers, and the domain's current status (active, expired, etc.).

Can the Whois Domain Lookup tool be used to check domain availability?

Yes, it can. If a domain is available for registration, the tool will indicate that it is unregistered. If it is already registered, the WHOIS details will be displayed.

Why are some domain ownership details hidden?

Many registrants use WHOIS privacy protection services, which mask personal details such as the name, email, and phone number of the domain owner, replacing them with proxy information to comply with privacy laws like GDPR.

Does the Whois Domain Lookup tool provide real-time data?

Yes, the WhoisFreaks tool queries the WHOIS database in real-time, ensuring you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information about a domain.

Can I perform bulk domain lookups with this tool?

Yes, WhoisFreaks supports bulk lookups for users who need to analyze multiple domains at once. This feature is typically available with advanced subscription plans.

Does the tool support all domain extensions?

Yes, the Whois Domain Lookup tool supports a wide range of domain extensions, including generic TLDs (e.g., .com, .net, .org), country-code TLDs (e.g., .uk, .in), and even Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).

Can I download or export WHOIS data for analysis?

Yes, WhoisFreaks allows you to export WHOIS data for further offline analysis. Export options depend on the plan you're subscribed to.

Why is some WHOIS data incomplete or unavailable?

Incomplete data may occur due to registrars using WHOIS privacy services or restrictions from privacy laws such as GDPR, which limit the visibility of personal information in public WHOIS records.

What is the difference between the Whois Lookup tool and a DNS Lookup?

The Whois Lookup tool retrieves information about domain registration and ownership, while a DNS Lookup focuses on resolving domain names to IP addresses and examining name server configurations.

Can I use the Whois Domain Lookup tool to track domain expiration dates?

Yes, the tool provides information on domain registration and expiration dates, making it easy to monitor when a domain will expire.

How can the Whois Domain Lookup tool help with cybersecurity?

The tool can help identify suspicious domains, monitor potential cybersquatting, and detect phishing attempts by revealing domain ownership and registration details.

Are there any restrictions on the number of searches I can perform?

Free users may have daily search limits. Upgrading to a paid plan offers higher or unlimited lookup quotas, depending on the subscription tier.

Is it legal to use the Whois Domain Lookup tool?

Yes, using the Whois Domain Lookup tool is completely legal. It complies with ICANN regulations and is intended for legitimate purposes such as verifying domain ownership or researching domain availability.

Can I use this tool for domains with WHOIS privacy enabled?

Yes, you can query such domains, but the displayed information will show proxy or anonymized data due to WHOIS privacy protection.

What industries can benefit from the Whois Domain Lookup tool?

Industries like cybersecurity, digital marketing, law enforcement, legal services, and domain registrars commonly use WhoisFreaks’ tools to monitor domains, conduct investigations, or protect intellectual property.

Does WhoisFreaks offer an API for the Whois Domain Lookup tool?

Yes, WhoisFreaks provides API access for developers and businesses, enabling seamless integration of WHOIS data into your workflows or systems.

How do I contact customer support if I have issues with the tool?

You can reach WhoisFreaks’ support team through their website’s contact form, email, or live chat for quick assistance with any tool-related issues.

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